What’s A Startup?


Startups Are unbeliveably confusing in modern day because there are 2 types. Type 1 is a startup that is designed to be acquired by a large company. Type 2 is a startup that is designed to work as an independent business, generate its own leads and sales on its own merrit. What kind of Startup are you?

What is Equity?

Equity is the fundamental meat and potatoes of Startups. Equity is broken down into the components that make a business valuable: I.E.

  1. Cash in the bank account

  2. Intellectual Property

  3. The Team

  4. The Client Base

How Do You Get Started? The Business Plan

The Short Answer:

the advice I give when mentoring an author, is They first need to write the book. the Business plan is generally sold as something that Investors need. This is true, but in reality you need to organize your thoughts and be able to refine your business model and strategies like art. You start with a sketch and draw over it several times until your are ready to paint the canvas.

The Structure Of The Business Plan: Table Of Contents

  1. Business Model

    1. Product Or Service, What Does It Do?

    2. Virtual Or Brick & Mortar

  2. Market Analysis

    1. Understanding Your Client Personas

    2. Understanding Your Competition

    3. Can You Deliver Your Product Or Service At A Competitive Price Point?

  3. Marketing Strategy

    1. Digital, Print, Or Audio/Radio?

    2. Total Budget, Versus Individual Strategy Breakdown (Spread Sheets)

    3. Marketing Message

    4. Type(s) of conversions

      1. Subscribers

      2. Purchasers/ Pre-Orders

  4. Timeline or Order of Operations

    1. The steps in chronologial order that need to happen for you to close your first client.

    2. Steps to Gross

      1. How much money minimum do you have to to generate in revenue in order to keep the business runnning

      2. Whats the plan for repeat business? More Porducts & Services? Monthly, Quarterly, & Seasonal Promotions?

  5. The Sales Script

    1. Show that you know how to guide or funnel customers from when they hear about you to the checkout button on your website or the cash register at your Brick & Mortar store.

Please submit your business plan and any documentation relating to growing your startup by email and Schedule a First Time Strategy Call Today!


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