The Biggest Challenge Of Search Engine Marketing

So let's say you got over the hurdle of installing Your Analytics, & Setting Up your Ad account. From There You even set up your first SEM Campaign  properly with accurate keyword groups and made an awesome ad that really connects with your target audience.  Now, how do you decide the bid & how do you sort through all the clicks to confirm your target customer is the actual person clicking on the ad.

Step 1: Bidding

So if you have a national campaign and are testing your landing page and new products or services you can start with a CPC bid of $2.00.If you are a local business chances are you are going to pay anywhere between $3.00 - $4.00 a click to appear on the first page of results. So I suggest do a national campaign to generate traffic and iron out any bugs on your landing page, ad, and customer journey. Then focus on a geo targeted campaign that is going to impress your customers with a fine tuned experience!

Step 2: Ads inYour Analytics

This is your best friend as you're fine tuning a new campaign. At the end of the day or a few days check to see the EXACT search queries that were made which led to the click.  Based on the results determine what category the conversion fits under

  1. People looking for employment in your industry.

    1. Each industry will have different keywords, but definitely have a negative keyword list of words like job, work, employment, etc. & work outward

  2. Foreigners looking to be competitors or get into your industry.

    1. You will see patterns of specific grammar errors and miss spellings. Make them negative keywords. Most of the time they are foreigners using VPNs so it looks like they are from the US.

  3. B2B Cold calls & Emails 

    1. Many people will click on your ad and save your email to put you on a list. See if you can pick out any differences between their searches & the ones of your actual customers.

  4. Customers 

    1. Customers will generally fall on your landing page and then go to a pricing page for either products or services. If you use Hot Jar you will see recordings which show the mouse cursor go over the pricing details line by line. Even if they don’t buy right away this is definitely your target.


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