James Gluz Digital Marketing Q2 2023 Report

Q2 2023 Report: I have been swamped with Election campaign responsibilities and moving forward with many new technological innovations across almost every industry.

I launched www.jamesgluz.com as my political platform with answers to many questions that candidates haven't been able to answer in previous administrations.

I have grinded our a few chapters of me next book Black Sapphire: Phoenix. The Hydrovale Nova Desktop Power Station has not had any change to its design and remains flawless. Politics and red tape have created some delays and set backs. we are a year behind and its not due to any engineering challenges.

James Gluz Digital Marketing has decided to focus on print advertising into the end of next quarter and now introducing stylized vector art illustrated by yours truly.

"Entrepreneurs are the conduit from backend complexity to front end simplicity" - James Gluz

What does this mean? if you want a complex solution to a complicated problem you call a PHD. If you want someone to take a complex solution and you want to make it simple, you call an entrepreneur.

I started in sales, switched to marketing & now I'm in consumer product/brand development. I'm the piece that gets your consumer product ready for both retail & the investor.

Startup Development Hard Skills:

Product/App Design | Brand Message And Values | Employee/Department Training For Forward Facing Roles | Fulfillment/logistics | Market analysis, Competitive analysis, projections | Manual QA | Customer Service Workflow.

"The only way to be successful in business is through trust, comfort, & value."- James Gluz

My History In Nutshell:

Over 20 Years Experience in Sales, Sales Management, Customer Support. With Educations in Electronics Engineering, Multimedia Science, Jewelry Manufacture, & Gem Identification. I have a trained eye, boundless vision, and a practical approach to turning ambition into a proven reality.

"Never be an expert. Make the customer realize that you made THEM the expert" - James Gluz

& Finally: " The biggest problem in America is that everyone just waits at the finish lines to pick up talent & most people have no concept of calculated risk so their gut instinct prevents them from taking up some amazing opportunities that they should have never passed up!" - James Gluz Digital Marketing

James Gluz

James Gluz has a long history with graphic design and Post Production for film. James Gluz has 10 years experience with Facebook and social media as well as managing ads. James Gluz would love to help you succeed with you Digital Advertising endeavors. He also like Xbox Series X and Video Games in general. He is proficient with Photoshop, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier.

My personal interests are:Video Games, Xbox, Windows, Dell, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Soda Water, Coca Cola, San Pellegrino, Netflix, Hulu, Star Trek


James Gluz Digital Marketing Q3 2023 Report


Pitching An Idea To Venture Capital and Angel Investors